Monday, February 11, 2008

CHINESE NEW YEAR written by Koh Kang Wei


On the night of the eve of Chinese New Year, my family and I went to my father's mother house to eat a delicious reunion dinner. All my uncles, aunties and cousins were present too.

The next day was Chinese New Year. The first thing i did when i woke up was to take two big and juicy oranges to pay respect to my parents. And they gave me an Ang Bao each, containing $100. I was not so shocked at the amount of money i received because i received the same amount every year but i did not know why many people were shocked at this amount of money. After that, my father drove us to my great-grandmother house to pay respect to her and to collect many Ang Baos too. Then, our next destination was to proceed to my father's mother's house. I did not see anybody there yet because we were the first to arrive. Few minutes later, my uncles, aunties and cousins started to appear slowly, one family by one family. When my cousins came, we played ''Ban Luck'' which is known as Blackjack in English and we also played ''Dai Di''. I lost some money but still earned some too. Of course i received a lot of Ang Baos from my uncles and aunties so i bet more. And in the evening, we left my father's mother's house because our final destination for the day was my mother's mother's house. We went there to eat dinner and it tasted wonderful.

On the second lunar day, my father drove us to Suntec City to eat lunch in a japanese restaurant and to watch a movie called CJ7. After that funny movie, we proceeded to my father's 4th brother house for dinner. The dinner was heavenly. After the dinner, I gambled with my cousins again. About midnight, my family and I left that place and went home to have a goodnight sleep.

On the third lunar day, my family decided to rest at home so I have nothing much to talk about.

On the fourth lunar day, my parents brought my brother and I to Suntec City to "Lao Yu Sheng", enjoy the scenery and capture some attractive photos which I am going to post them later. We also went for a few minutes walk around Suntec City. Then we went for a game of bowling. Of course i lost to my father because I was a first-timer but I still had a great game of bowling.

Although the Chinese New Year holidays has ended, I am still in the Chinese New Year mood because it will be lasting for 15days in total. Well, this was how i spent my Chinese New Year holidays and I hope to receive more Ang Bao money next year. How did you spent your's?

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