Friday, February 15, 2008

How i celebrated Chinese New Year by junyu {35}

On the Eve of Chinese New Year,i had steamboat in the afternoon at my mother's mother home .Everybody was there accept for my uncle .He was the only exception as he actually work overseas and is very inconvenien for him to just come back for a few days than go back to work.The steamboat was also very delicious.At that night ,I slept at as I played game game game through out the night.

The very next day,I woke up early in the morning .The thing I did early in the morning were different from all the usual days.I quickly take two big madrine oranges and pay respect to my mother and my father.Theyall gave me and my brother an Hong Bao each.I was surprised of what i receive when i opened the Hong Bao as all the three Hong Bao contain more money of what i expected,and they each gave me $80.After that ,my father drove me to my father's mother house .When we reached there ,it was quite early because no one else reach there except for my second auntie and uncle.I chat with my cousin there,we had quite a good chat as we had not met up for a very long time.Time flies past ,soon all my father brothers arrive and I receive lots of Hong Bao from them.The lunch came very fast,this year lunch is very special as it is cooked by my grandmother personally.After the lunch i went to my mother's mother house.At there,we played some game played during Chinese New Year called the blackjack,usally called "Ban luck"by us.I earned some money,but not alot because we does not play with lots of money at one time.We went to the Japanese village and eat then went home.

On lunar Day two,I went to my fifth auntie house.She lives in a terrace house and it was very beautifully decorated.We had buffet there and we had "Lao Yu Sheng"there.I really enjoyed that place as it is big and can allow me to have lots of freedom.

On the third Lunar Day,my father brought my whole family to vivo city and wtch the movie called "Kung Fu Dunk".The show was marvallous and quite hillarious at some part of the show.But i strongly agreed that the show was rather fake and is somehow in the imaginary world.After the fantastic show ,we went to KFC to have our dinner and went home happily.
On the fourth Lunar day we stayed at home and rest before the holiday ended.
Unfortunately ,the holiday ended so quicly, but I am still in the mood of Chinese New Year because the 15 Days still have not pass yet.I really hope that the next Chinese New Year will come soon.

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