Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year !!! by JunYi

I'm sure every chinese celebrate chinese new year anually. This is a occasion celebrate in many diiferent way . Let me share with you how i celebrate this occasion.... =X

On the eve of Chinese New Year, i went to the school to celebrate the joyous event . After that , i went home to take a nap . Time sure fly fast when you were sleeping, when i woke up it already 11.30 pm and i were left with half an hour to tidy up then at 11.59pm i and my family count down . At 12 pm sharp ,we went to the corridor to light the electronic firecrackers then we went to eat our reunion dinner =D. It was delicious. soon , my mother placed the "suan"on the cardboard. we stayed up till 4am then we went to sleep as its a traditional that the later we sleep, the longer our parent can live.

The next morning, we woke up at about 9am and i saw my parent were putting money into the red packet (hong bao) and they called me go And take a bathe as we were going out soon. After bathing , we dressed up in our new outfit and they gave my sister , brother and I $28 dollar each . After that at about 10 am i went to my paternal's grandmother house at kallang to collect red packets and chit-chat with my cousin. Then i go to my maternal's mother side at about 1pm it is also located at kallang and we ate alot of tibit and BBQ pork (rou gan).A few hours later we went to my elder sister 's babysitter who babysit her 10 year ago .we had fun playing with her daughter 's son who came from New Zealand and we ate the steamboat cooked by her it was so delicious. After that we went home happily and counted the money in the car and i had about $200 and this is how i spent my Chinese New Year

On the 2nd lunar day , i went to my parent's shop to see the lion dance (chye qing) which mean to bring in good luck then i went to my friend house at 1pm and had alot of fun play uno and "Truth and dare". About 3.30 pm my parent and sister came to fetch me and we went to my uncle 's house to eat and have fun by gambling money ^v^and i lost about 20 dollars but on the 3rd lunar day , there is no activities so i stayed at home to finished those homework that need to be done.

On the 4th lunar day, during the night ,we went to a restuarant near bedokto eat reunion dinner and i sit with my grandmother as you know sometime old people are quite troublesome and complain alot of your behaviour so my cousin and i do not dare to eat alot of food to prevent getting nagged T_T. when i eat the (yu sheng )i knew it was different from the one i ate previous year so i asked the waiter , he told me it a teochew style.after that i felt very dissapointed as the fun is going to end due to school opening the next day.

On the 8th lunar day, which is on friday, my family and I went to jalan bersak to eat dinner with my aunt and cousins and we ate delicacies from (pu tian)found in China. It was delicious.

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