Thursday, February 21, 2008

Differences between my chinese new year and jess christmas...

My Chinese New Year is a big differences from Jess Christmas.I ate steamboat on Chinese New Year,but Jess family do not eat steamboat during Christmas. I received lots of Hong Bao ,but during Jess's christmas,he only received a box of water color from leslie and a dollar from his parents.
In Christmas,there is a believe that christmas would come in the midnight to give away presents ,but in Chinese we do not have such a believe and just gets Hong Bao.Also during chinese new year ,only married couples give out Hong Bao but during Christmas, people from all ages can exchange presents. Jess parents actually went for shopping just before Christmas,but during chinnese new year the adults would usually cahnge into some new notes and put it in a red packet.These are mostly the reasons about how i celebrate Chinese New Year and how Jess' family celebrate Christmas.

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